The Abundant Benefits of Coastal Living By Steve Hanf Stroll among the booths at every craft show, browse the aisles of any beach store, or heck, walk into just about any house on the Outer [...]
A Birdseye View of Our Shifting Sands Photo Above: On September 18th, 2003, Hurricane Isabel hit Hatteras Island with wind speeds up to 105 mph. The storm surge produced a 2,000 ft. long and up [...]
Picture the Summer on the Outer Banks: Cars crowd the bypass, crosswalks bustle with families, umbrellas speckle the beach, and boaters buzz throughout the sound.
The story of the Lost Colony is once again unfolding. For over 400 years, the tale has been unveiling bits and pieces of meticulous research and careful excavation of newly discovered [...]
Like millions of dads around the world, Andrew enjoys spending time on the beach with his family. And just like many others, he’s got his preferred beach routine down pat.
The day Walter and Barbara Holton traveled to our infamous isolated strip of barrier islands off the coast of North Carolina with the potential of moving here, they were welcomed with open arms [...]
How many people do you know who work remotely from their home? I’m guessing you know at least one person working from home while living on the Outer Banks.
Beautiful sunsets over the water, riverfront boardwalk shops, restaurants, miles of hiking and paddling trails, historic buildings, great fishing and much more.
How do we best prepare the next generation to find success if they choose to remain here as adults to help continue caring for and maintaining this great and growing community?
Coffee. Cookies. Camaraderie. When chatting with some of the Outer Banks’ most avid runners, the cardiovascular benefits and challenge of it all rarely get mentioned as their “why.”